Kalimas Ramadhan

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Chat Box

today we’re going to talk about how to add nice and cool chat box to blogger blogs. do you have a blog?
I’ll bet you do.
whatever your blog talking about.
you will need to add a chat box. to connect people. that’s why you build your blog. right?
the box that we going to use it here presented by cbox.ws.
I guess you saw the chat box before at many blogspot blogs.
and here is an image tells you how it looks.
Description: chat box sample
now lets start.
1 : go to cbox.ws or Click here
 (It will open in a new window )
click on “sign up” link.
then you’ll see a form.
fill it and choose the style you like. there is 12 different styles.
then check on “I have read and agree to the Cbox terms and conditions of service” box.
and click creat my box.
if every thing is fine. you’ll see theis message.
“Cbox Created!
Your Cbox, adfasfsdf, was created successfully.
You can now log in to your Cbox control ……………”
and you are now ready to take your chat box code and add it to your blog.
1 : log in to your account at cbox.ws by the user name and password that you’ve just created.
once you loged in you’ll be at your Control Panel Home.
you’ll see top horizontal menu contains 5 links.
Publish! : we’ll talk about it later.
Look & Feel:here you can manage your chat box style. like layout options, style gallery, edit style, or edit css.
Options:here you can adjust your posting options, date options, smiles and filtering options.
Users & Access: manage your users and access.
Messagesyou can check your messages here.
first thing you’ll do is customizing your chat box look.by navigating throw
Look & Feel
and here is some styles for the box.
Description: blogger chat box style
after that. we’ll back to Publish! link.
Publish!: here you’ll find the code that you will need it at your blogger account.
find ” I’m installing on: ” and choose “blogger”. then follow the next steps.
Step 1: Get your code. select all and copy it.
Step 2: log in to your blogger account, go to layout section.and click add new element at your template sidebar where you want to add the box. choos html / jave.
Step 3: past the chatbox code. and click save.
and you are done.
here is a demo blog,Click here (It will open in a new window ) show you the box live and running.
if you faced any problem. please leave your comment here.

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